
Accounting: From Beginner to Advanced!

Learn accounting like never before. Learn from an Award-Winning Professor and Expert in Accounting!


(8,788 Ratings)

38,805 Students

Created by

Stefan Ignatovski, Ph.D.


$ Infinity


100% Off

132 Bài học

Approximately 10h to complete

There are 38805 participants

What you'll learn

Learn and identify specific items on the Financial Statements (Income Statement, Statement of Retained Earnings, Balance Sheet)

Learn how to prepare financial statements

Learn how to analyze business transactions

Learn about Debits and Credits

Must-Know Accounting Regulations

Learn about the Accounting Cycle

Learn how to prepare the Trial Balance (and Adjusted Trial Balance)

Learn about accounting for Accounts Receivable

Learn about accounts that cannot be collected

Learn how to prepare a Bank Reconciliation (Must Know Item!)

Learn how to track inventories (FIFO, LIFO, Average Cost)

Learn the process of depreciation, amortization and disposal of assets

Learn about short-term and long-term investments

Learn everything about bonds

Learn how to analyze Financial Statements with the use of Ratios

Course content

15 Sections

132 Lessons

10h 5m

Survey the need to receive video lessons via Google Drive




  • Learn everything about Accounting in few hours.

  • Learn from the expert.

What are my students saying:

"It's a great course so far! I'm really understanding the fundamentals of Accounting - which was difficult before. I like how short the videos and examples are, you get the gist of what he's teaching quickly and he explains the jargon along the way. The exercises have been the most helpful as they reinforce what was just taught."

"The course has done a better job, in an hour, of explaining the much needed basic accounting concepts than my college professor was able to do in half a semester."

"He explains every topic very well and to the detail. He also uses various ways of presentation which makes the course attractive and engaging. The best course to learn accounting fast."

"I am having fun with the colorful graphics. It is not boring to watch and the voice of the instructor is clear."

"I am taking a class in accounting as one of major subjects and I think this course is way better than my current class. It is easier to understand."

"First, I cannot believe that I started to love accounting. For every topic there is a cartoon which explains everything. Then problem solving videos applying the concepts previously learned. Humor is all over the place and the entire course is quite dynamic. I was actually (for the first time) eager to learn accounting."

Some of the most favorite topics:

  • Debits and Credits

  • Journal Entries

  • Adjusting Entries

  • Deferrals

  • Accruals

  • Accounting Cycle


  • Bank Reconciliation

  • Internal Controls

  • Petty Cash

  • Bad Debts

  • Depreciation

  • Bonds

  • Stocks

  • Dividends

  • Statement of Cash Flows

More about the course:

Get into accounting by learning these skills. Once you are done with this course, you will be able to update your resume and begin applying for accounting jobs. This course is better than an accounting coach.

I believe that you should not fall asleep when learning something new. You need to be encouraged and excited instead. In order to be excited about learning, you need to understand easily. I have implemented a new way of teaching. Animated videos which are easy to understand. Problem solving videos that teach you how to apply what you have learned. Learning has never been so exciting.

  • Feel the "Aha" Moment.

  • See why some of my videos are the most popular.

  • Many university Professors are using my videos for their students.

  • You will get access to cartoon-like videos, all less than 5 minutes.

  • I received many offers to sell my videos, but that will simply not happen.

This course will teach you the basics and fundamentals in Accounting in a FUN way! I Guarantee, you will not fall asleep. If you do, get your money back. No questions asked.

Included are additional problems and exercises and the appropriate explanations as well. 

Compare this entire course with an entire semester. You will be able to grasp all the concepts in financial accounting in just a few hours. Enroll!



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