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[Upcoming] Course Creation Feature for All Users

Published at October 11, 2023

Rendemy development team plans to introduce a feature that allows all users who want to share their knowledge with the community in the form of short or long video courses.

At Rendemy, we believe that knowledge sharing has no boundaries in a flat world. Knowledge can come from anyone and should be shared widely with everyone. Learning can take place anywhere, not just in traditional schools. You can learn even while browsing short videos like Tiktok or YouTube shorts.
With this philosophy in mind, Rendemy development team plans to introduce a feature that allows all users who want to share their knowledge with the community in the form of short or long video courses in October 2023. With this feature, what can you do?

Share your skills and knowledge with the community

If you currently have YouTube videos, YouTube Shorts, or TikTok videos covering various skills in all fields, from personal development to relationships, finance, technology, entertainment, and more, prepare a list of your videos. You will have the opportunity to share them with countless users on Rendemy.
Don't worry if you don't have a long and meticulously structured course. As we mentioned, knowledge can be learned through short video series in various fields, including personal development, relationships, finance, technology, and entertainment. Even if you can teach hundreds of thousands of people a dance move or help them relieve stress after a  working day, that's considered a course, too.
You will be able to create courses with your existing videos in just a few simple steps. Rendemy's review team will review your courses and videos and decide whether they can be published or not. The review criteria are not so difficult; we just want to ensure that the content you share is meaningful.
Other users who participate in learning and watching videos will receive rewards as usual from Rendemy. So, this is an opportunity for you to share and promote your educational videos with many users for free! Get ready and take advantage of this opportunity.
Special note: You can also set a price for your courses and allow others to purchase them with RND tokens if you wish.

Tip & Donation

You can receive tips and donations from users in the form of RND tokens for valuable and insightful content. Exciting, isn't it? This feature will be launched soon, at the end of October 2023.

How can I access this feature?

To access this feature, you will need to complete your personal profile update on Rendemy and instantly receive 20 reward points.

Both of these features will be launched in October 2023. Sign up to receive the latest information as soon as the features are released in your email inbox.


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