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Buying Courses on Rendemy with Fiat Currencies!

Published at January 17, 2024

Hello, Rendemy learners! We're excited to guide you through the process of purchasing your favorite courses using fiat currencies. Follow these simple steps to make your learning journey even more accessible.

Step 1: Login and Choose Your Course

    • Log in to your Rendemy account.
    • Select the course you're interested in.
    • Click on the "Buy Course" button to initiate the purchase.

Step 2: Choose RND or Deposit RND

    • Click "Buy with your RND" if you have enough RND in your wallet.
    • If you don't have sufficient RND, click "Deposit RND.

Step 3: Transaction for USDT to RND

Step 4: Return to Rendemy and Complete the Purchase

    • After having RND, return to Rendemy.
    • Go back to the course you want to buy.
    • Click "Buy" to finalize your purchase

Watch the Tutorial Video Here

Exclusive Benefit for Paid Courses: Customize Your Learning Experience!

As a bonus for those who opt for paid courses, we offer an exclusive benefit. You have the flexibility to skip through video lessons, focusing only on the parts that interest you. Even if you choose to skip sections, you can still mark them as "done" to receive points for completed lessons.

At Rendemy, we believe in making learning not only effective but also convenient for you. Start exploring new knowledge today. Happy learning!

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