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🚀 Investing in Knowledge - Growing with RND

Published at March 12, 2024

A Thank You and Appreciation from the Rendemy Team

Proud Achievements

The Rendemy team is immensely grateful and thankful to all users who have supported and enthusiastically participated in the recent launching of Big Deals . This event not only marks a new step in the development of Rendemy's platform but also serves as proof of the community's ceaseless passion for learning.

With more than 200 courses purchased during the launch of the new feature, this not only encourages Rendemy to continue providing quality courses but also motivates us to seek new ways to increase value for our community.
Especially 17 users who successfully purchased within the first three days, from March 1-3, 2024. The support from these early days is incredibly valuable.

As a thank you, Rendemy awards each user who successfully purchased a course during the first three days from March 1-3, 2024, with 5 RENEC and 1 special NFT. A symbol of commitment and belief in the learning journey with Rendemy.

See the list for airdrop gift and NFT recipients

Growing Value of RND

Rendemy is committed not only to providing educational value but also to enhancing the economic value for the community.
A portion of the profits from the courses will be used to buy back RND from the community and remove it from circulation.
This action not only demonstrates our responsibility and commitment to the community but is also an important step in reducing the supply on the market, thereby increasing the value of the RND tokens held by the community.

Learn more about the mechanism and value of token burning

Looking Towards the Future

We believe that with the enthusiastic support from the community and the economic value provided, Rendemy will continue to grow strongly, building a prosperous and comprehensively wealthy learning community.

Investing in knowledge - Growing with Rendemy.

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